Katekyo Hitman Reborn!: Chrome Dokuro and Hibari Kyoya

katekyo hitman reborn! cosplay - chrome dokuro and hibari kyoya by schoki and hibanatorWhen she was transferred into the future, Chrome’s physical condition became worse as her illusionary internal organs began failing one after the other. The adult Hibari Kyoya then instructed her to use the power of her Vongola Ring to sustain her organs through her own illusions. This allowed Chrome to escape any immediate danger, and thus prolonging her life.

Cosplayers Schoki and Hibanator make an excellent Chrome and Kyoya! I love the setting and Kyoya’s fierce attitude! Thanks to Itsuchi, their photographer as well as Miranda for the suggestion!

Streetfest '10 Cosplay

Ooow, it has been like super loooong since I last blogged ! I am getting all rusty, hopes my D90 didn't grow any mushrooms on it.

Now is finally my school holidays. FINALLY! WOOHOO! Okay, it's just one week but am still very happy about it! I am going to bring ALL my K-ON nenodroids out for a nice photoshoot picnic and okay, all the other figures I got from since April. Will write more about my new poly school life soon ! :D

This is Streetfest that is still taking place now at Plaza Singapura's open plaza. The Japanese pop-culture has ended though. There's still some cool punk street stuff going on though!

Durarara! I quite like this anime, it's just so supernatural even the title says so!

I think all the criminals will be very happy to get caught by these three very pretty police girls! :P

Any idea which character is this? Her cosplay is very nice! :D

I think this Kampfer right?

I was wearing a skirt so I cant perform any magnificent stunts so my photos are all kinda straight ^^; next time better wear shorts lol !

I love their dresses, chao kawaii~

Mozilla Firefox, dominating the world once again .

Railgun !

Any idea which character is this too? Her cosplay is very nice also! :D


Saikang Service!
Will look after your bag $1 for 30 mins .

HAHAHA, I was giggling when I asked her for a picture! LOL, she got a great business brain ! Kudos!

hahaha, Gintama is cool! But too bad, I don't like aliens.

This streetfest is actually a small cosplay event but it is very FUN ! There is quite a number of new cosplays and there is this very awesome performance but some J-pop bands! I like Overhit! :D

Sexy Cosplay of Kasumi by Cosplayer Hikaru Jan from the Game Dead or Alive

Sexy Cosplay of Kasumi by Hikaru Jan from the Game Dead or Alive
Sexy Cosplay of Kasumi by Hikaru Jan from the Game Dead or Alive
Sexy cosplay are cosplayed by sexy cosplayers that's what I know. Dead or Alive characters, in majority, are hot. One of them is Kasumi, she became one of very sex symbols in the Dead or Alive.

Game canon says, Kasumi translates to Mist or also known as "the Kunoichi of Destiny". She is a young female shinobi skilled in the Mugen Tenshin style of ninjutsu.

Kasumi is the future 18th Master of the Mugen Tenshin ninja clan but before that, she ran away in order to be in the Dead or Alive tournament and defeat Raidou who made her brother Hayate disabled.

Kasumi is such a kick-ass character who can make the guys fall down and such a fine, sexy and hot young lady as well just like Alodia Gosiengfiao haha! Sexy cosplayers like Hikaru Jan are perfect fit for this character. Hikaru Jan indeed brought Kasumi to life. Looking forward to see more of this cosplay.

Hoy es mi cumpleaños

No sabía qué ponerme de título, si me ponía felicidades Ivy es como que me estoy autofelicitando y es un poco raro xD
Hoy 31 de enero cumplo 21 años (si, me hago vieja =_=), pero bueno, de momento me conservo bien xD. En un ratito me voy a empezar a pintar las alas n_n (a ver cómo queda ._.).

Dejo un wallpaper cutrillo que hice ayer para el día de mi cumple n_n

Muchas gracias por la buena acogida que ha tenido el blog, nunca lo hubiera imaginado >_<
Domo arigato minna!!! gracias gracias y graciaaaaas! :)
Un beso!

Cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao as a host at Toyota's Thanksgiving Media Party

Cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao as Amanda Werner at the event
Cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao as Amanda Werner at the event

I don't have much information about the Toyota event that Alodia mentioned on her Facebook fan page

Cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao together with host Giane Sales of Stoplight TV
Cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao together with host Giane Sales of Stoplight TV

But still I will just blog it because it's considered as one of the biggest event and of course my favorite cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao was on the Toyota's Thanksgiving Media Party as the host of that event. If you're not contented on the presence of Alodia, the band Yes Ma'am have this exposure on the said event, which is an all-girl band that Ashley Gosiengfiao (little sister of Alodia), is one of the member of that band as the Lead guitarist/2nd Vocals.

Cosplayer Alodia Gosiengfiao and a model

Wow! Another big company on her sleeve. I guess a matter of days, week, month and years that Alodia may be consider as one of the in-demand stars of the big companies here in the Philippines. Still Cosplayer studio will be here to support no matter what.

Continuo con las alas~~

Hi! Hi! mañana es mi cumple =_=U, cada día que pasa me hago más vieja T.T, pero bueno, a pesar de eso, estoy muy contenta y con muchas ganas de hacer cosas!
Hoy tenía ganas de ponerme un poquito más con el tema de las alas. Nunca he hecho unas para un cosplay, así que primero me he tragado bastantes tutoriales y después he aplicado mi propia técnica xD
Dejo la primera parte del tutorial.
Y aquí la segunda parte:

Cuando tenemos el cartón cortado (me he quedado sin dedos de lo durísimo que estaba T-T), le enganchamos por delante y por detrás, la goma eva cortada préviamente con la forma de ala. Para el encolamiento yo utilizo silicona caliente, se seca muy rápidamente y no mancha :D!

Lo pegamos y apretamos fuerte durante unos 5/10 segundos
Lo ponemos por delante y por detrás y posteriormente le ponemos los detalles de encima

De lado queda muy mal T.T así que intentamos recortarlo todo para que quede del mismo nivel

Después, con la silicona le damos una pasada en lo largo de todo el borde para que no se vean las capas

Ahora voy a daros 2 posibles pasos. Paso 1 (es como lo he hecho yo): para darle un poco de encurbamiento a la ala cogemos con cuidado y vamos girándola hasta que quede con la forma deseada, este método funciona cuando tienes una base (yo he puesto cartón). Paso 2: este paso funciona si no has puesto una base, la goma eva se curba al entrar en contacto con calor (secador o fogones de cocina ), es decir, calientas la goma eva, le das la forma que quieras y la mantienes en esa pose hasta que pasen unos 15 seg.

Aquí vemos el encurbamiento en la parte de arriba

Procedemos a la preparación para poder pintar. La goma eva es genial, pero tiene un gran problema, absorbe la pintura de mala manera x_X. Yo me he creado mi propia técnica para solucionar este problema (aunque os diré las técnicas que se). Técnica num1 (inventada por mi): Llevo toda mi vida pintando al óleo, y cuando eres pobre (como yo xD), haces lo que sea por que la cosas te salgan más baratas ^^U, en mi caso, los lienzos me los preparaba yo, y bueno he cogido esa técnica para aplicarla aquí. Compramos imprimador acrílico y lo aplicamos en la goma eva, este producto nos quita porosidad y nos permite pintar encima sin ningún problem ^^. Técnica num 2 (la que hice para las ombreras de Cassandra), cojes una mezcla de agua y cola blanca y le haces unas 7/9 capas.. hasta que deje de tener porosidad (es una técnica aburrida, ya que tienes que hacer 800000 capas -_-)

Se le da un par de capas (aunque como uno mismo vea)

Las capas de imprimador por los 2 lados y por el borde (el que hemos puesto silicona)

Se deja secar perfectamente entre capa y capa y ya lo tenemos apuntito para pintar :D
Mañana si me entra la motivation lo pinto ^^

Y de momento, hasta aquí todo por hoy :), espero haveros ayudado, si tenéis alguna duda no dudéis en preguntarme n_n

Gracia s por leerme!

Unknown Entry 084

unknown cosplay 84 from comiket 2010If I were to take a wild guess (which I did), I’d say she was from Pink Sweets; the game I’m not entirely familiar with. However, after further searching, I was not able to come across any character from that series who resembles this cosplayer at all.

I’m just hoping my readers’ guesses turn out to be much better than mine. Thanks to Ikehara for suggesting this!

Genial xD!

Al final tengo un pequeño hueco para poder actualizar :)
Hoy ha sido un día perfecto, gracias a Hizumi, Mina y al grupito de amigos :3, me lo he pasado muy muy bien!
Después de comer he ido con Mina a dar una vuelta, mientras esperábamos a que saliera su tren. Por sorpresa mía, a la primera tienda que hemos entrado, he encontrado unos zapatos perfectísimos para F.A.Flonne y baratísimos! 8€! :D!!

Es genial porqué ya solo me falta a que me lleguen las lentillas y tendré todo lo que necesito en mis manos :D.

Por otro lado, ayer por la mañana hice un poquito más de cosplay, ya tengo las mangas 100%, y los lazos casi montados, empecé con la camisa/blusa, y lo tengo cortado e hilvanado. Por la tarde fui a buscar un poquito más de tela que me faltaba >_<

Mis famosos patrones a base de apuntes y trabajos para la Uni xD

Más patrones~~

Una cara que me ha hecho gracia y estaba por ahi xD

Es divertido hacer los patrones así xD, y bueno, poco a poco parece que el cosplay va cogiendo forma :).
Muchísimas gracias por seguirme y por leerme siempre n_n

Gundam Seed Destiny: Cagalli Yula Athha 02

gundam seed destiny cosplay - caglli yula athha 02Although Cagalli knew the true nature of the Atlantic Federation, she was manipulated into endorsing an alliance between Earth Alliance and Orb by her fiancé, Yuna Roma Seiran and his father, Unato Ema Seiran. Her arranged marriage to Yuna would finalize this agreement, but her twin brother Kira decides to kidnap her in order to remind her of her late father’s ideals. Cagalli later assumes the bridge position in the Archangel previously held by Miriallia Haw.

Cute cosplayer! It’s been a while since I last saw this series, and even though I have some reservations, it still reminds me of some good memories. Thanks to Cain for suggesting this!

Naruto: Hyuga Neji

The child prodigy of the Hyuga Clan who has the ability to replicate the most powerful Gentle Fist attacks by simple observation, Neji is a member of Team Guy who used to believe in in a fatalistic philosophy: one’s destiny is inescapable and weak person will always be weak.

naruto cosplay - hyuga neji

Because he is among his clan’s lower house, he is ineligible to learn the Clan’s most secret techniques making him bitter towards the people of the main house. His defeat in a battle with Naruto allows him to see the errors of his philosophy in life and made him fix his estranged relations with the main house, and eventually receiving training from the leader of the main house.

Naruto: Hyuga Neji 02

naruto cosplay - hyuga neji 02Highly proficient in the Gentle Fist style of combat, Neji is the prodigy of the Hyuga clan who has the ability to replicate the styl’e’s most powerful techniques through simple observation. He further refines these abilities and fix its inherent flaws.

Beautiful cosplay! I wish I could read the Chinese characters on the lower right as it’s probably the cosplayer’s name. Good job on this though!