Vocaloid: Meiko 03

vocaloid cosplay - meiko 03 by airaOn the 24th of July 2003, a CCCD album “History of Logic System” was commercially released and it included a song using Japanese Vocaloids for the first time. The duet song of "Ano Subarashii Ai wo Mou Ichido (That Wonderful Love Once More)" was covered by a prototype of Meiko and Kaito before their release.

Cosplayer Aira makes an incredible Meiko! You can hear the official YouTube broadcast for the song mentioned above here. Thanks to Visa for sending this!

Katanagatari: Togame

katanagatari cosplay - togame / princess yousha by gongju tomiaA self-entitled strategist, Togame arrived on the island Yasuri Shichika resides in order to seek his help in finding the final twelve swords forged by Shikizaki Kiki. Her father, Hida Takahito, was actually killed by Shichika’s father, but Togame believes that people who work for love can be trusted the most, which is why she tells Shichika to fall for her. Togame’s real name was revealed to be Princess Yousha.

Pretty cosplay by the lovely Korean cosplayer, Gongju Tomia! I wonder if she goes to a studio to get her photos taken? She has a lot of different backdrops for her cosplays! Thanks to Gilbert for suggesting this!

Vocaloid: Meiko 03

vocaloid cosplay - meiko 03 by airaOn the 24th of July 2003, a CCCD album “History of Logic System” was commercially released and it included a song using Japanese Vocaloids for the first time. The duet song of "Ano Subarashii Ai wo Mou Ichido (That Wonderful Love Once More)" was covered by a prototype of Meiko and Kaito before their release.

Cosplayer Aira makes an incredible Meiko! You can hear the official YouTube broadcast for the song mentioned above here. Thanks to Visa for sending this!

Yami no Matsuei: Souryuu, Koujin, and Tenko

The Guardian of the East and Representative of the Golden Emperor of GensouKai, Souryuu is the blue dragon and the strongest among all the Shikigami. The only one who could match his rank and strength is Kurikara, the Fire Dragon. Souryuu has two children: his son, Koujin the thunder shikigami, and his daughter, Tenko the water shikigami.

Too bad Souryuu doesn't like Hisoka very much. In any case, this is such a beautiful cosplay! The patterns are gorgeous and they look really expensive too! Great work! Thanks to Lilibelle for sending this in!

Macross Frontier: Sheryl Nome

macross frontier cosplay - sheryl nome The pop idol from Macross Galaxy, Macross Frontier's sister fleet, Sheryl Nome is a very proud and self-assured person with the beauty and talent to back it up. She is later revealed to be a failed experiment known as Fairy 9 and was nothing more than an anonymous, orphan girl from the Galaxy Slums. Having outlived her usefulness, Grace O'Connor discards her, not really counting on the fact that she might survive.

Beautiful cosplay! I like the strawberry highlights on her hair, and her gorgeous shoes. Really great work!

Strawberry Panic!: Okuwaka Tsubomi

unknown cosplay 040 / strawberry panic! cosplay - okuwaka tsubomiThis is probably the last unknown cosplay for the year. Wow, how long has it been since I started writing about cosplays? It's so nostalgic now that I think about it.

Anyway, pink haired girl with a black headband in an expensive looking school uniform... She's really pretty, and this is another image by photographer MPZero. I think I'll need to have sections for photographers too someday, but I have so many tags already that people might think it's confusing...

So! Any guesses? Please leave comments on this entry if you know who the cosplayer is or who she is cosplaying as!

Intensity making of

This summer I got an awesome email from Blizzard Entertainment:
Hallo Svetlana!
Congratulation! Your costume was choosed as winner of the costume contest "Win a Trip to Blizzcon"! The first prize is a flight to the USA to Blizzcon.

Yeah.. I was a bit stunned... Just a bit, he he. I remember that I went crazy the hole day! I screamed, and jumpend and it was just amazing. I never, NEVER expect the first prize and could not believe that I would really fly to Blizzcon. Only for 4 days, but these had to be awesome!
But now I had a problem: Journey's End and all of my other staffs were too big for my case suit. So I decided to build a new one.

I searched a bit in the World of Warcraft modelviewer and chosed Itensity.

I searched for a good looking staff which was as flat as possible and matched to my Druid Tier 6. It was also not a staff, which I really really wanted or I loved it's design, but I only needed a staff which would fit in my suit case.

Cause of this it composed of 4 parts, which I could screw together. I planed the building of the model only a few days. Then my boyfriend would paint it.
In the first picture you only see my materials: Some greyboard, wooden staff parts, foam, expanding foam, modeling clay, crepe tape and newspaper. The second one shows the technique I used for the core itself. I just cut the right form out of grey board and built a sandwich of 2 grey board parts and some foam for filling it. After this I put one wooden staff inside and clayed everthing with hot glue together. Now I closed the border with crepe tape and covered the hole head with newspaper and paper maché. For those round things I used modeling clay.

For the button I used the same technique. I just put a plexiglass pipe inside for the pending ball in the middle.
For forming the middle parts I used expanding foam and carved them to the right form.Yeah, it was really simple to build this staff and I was very satisfied with the base model.
My boyfriend got the finished parts and made the paint for me. And I think, he did a great job!

And after 3 weeks of work for me and my boyfriend staff Nr. 4 was done!

So Blizzcon, I'm coming!

To discribe, how awesome this weekend in Anaheim was is beyond my english skills! But know that it was just amazing and some of the best days in my life. AND: I will come back! You will also find me at next Blizzcon, he he!

Future projects

This cosplay year is almost over and now I'm thinking about my next projects. But at first I have to finish some things:

In the last days I began with my second sword for my Aion plate set. This one have to be finisehd soon, because it's for my performance at the Germany Cosplay Championship in some weeks.

As you can see there were less steps to build it: I clayed two parts of pink (in Germany it's purple ^^) insulation foam on a balsa wood staff, carved the insulation foam (I always carve with a cutter from the home depot by the way), modeled a bit with expanding foam and covered it with crepe tape and newspaper. The result is a very lightweight sword built out of very cheap materials. I still have to cover it with paper mache and add some lights, but it's done very quick.

I also had to redo my Asmodian wig:

Now I just have to cut some hair and add little details. But I'm happy, that I managed it to style it a second time.

This year I finished my 4th Druid costume (I already did T1, T3, T6 and T8) and after so much of this similar project it would be boring, to create a further one. Especially, because I don't learn anything new and it's not exciting anymore. So, I really wanted to stop with these costumes, but one month ago I decided to visit Dragoncon next year. And I guess, the most of you know me as a Nightelf, so I just HAVE to meet you in a further Druid Tier set. My last one. Really! Believe me!

So, I waited for the new Druid Tier 11 sets and they turned out... as shit.

I already hated the design of the Tier 10 set, but this set is really not better. I'm really disappointed and hope, the next sets will be better again. The sets of the good old WoW times were so much nicer...

So, now there are not many sets I still can build. The most are already done, too ulgy or too easy. My only alternative is Druid Tier 9:

Despite of this boring and weird pauldron design I really like this set. It has a nice cut and colors, it glows and has a cool head piece. So... I couldn't wait and started with the first steps:

Here you see just a styrofoam ball, a bit grey board and at the end a lot of expanding foam. The first steps seems always quite simple, but it takes time to find the right form for the ball and the grey board and to cut and to clay it right. This step sets the form and size for the pauldron, so it is... very important.

And as you noticed, there are 4 pauldrons. I will build a second T9 for my boyfriend, so I have to build 4 of them. This means, I need a lot of expanding foam!

... and that I have to make a lof of dirt. Oh, I love to make dirt! :D

The final result is this one. I need two carving steps for it: One step for the base form and one step for the spikes, the borders and the eagle head. Do you see this grey stuff inside of the head and the spikes? It's grey board and always helps me to find the right shape inside of the expanding foam.

Now... only 3 of these things left... o.O

A further project for next year will be Beleth from Lineage II

He he, this project will be interresting...

And if you cannot wait for futher progress: Follow me on my progress site!

The Prince of Tennis: Niou Masaharu

unknown cosplay 037 - the prince of tennis cosplay - niou masaharuThere has been a steady stream of unknowns lately. I think I should get myself updated with the latest anime and games.

If only I had more time in my hands. But I guess that’s what they all say right?

Alright, we have a white haired bishounen this week! He could probably be anyone, but the design of his jacket might set him apart from everyone else. Any guesses would be appreciated, but I hope more people would leave their names this time when they comment! Even if you don’t have a website, you can just leave that field blank, and your name will still register in the name/url choice. Thank you to everyone who has been pointing me to the cosplayers’ websites!

>> Pinkyluxun <<

All credits to this cosplayer

Gundam 00: Neil and Lyle Dylandy

gundam 00 cosplay - lockon stratos neil and lyle dylandy by jesuke and chii-bye of deviant art

Love only hurts me always...or so you whispered
You were scared of believing and cried, didn't you?

Considered to be the leader of the Gundam Meisters, Neil was killed in the line of duty near the end of the war. However, after 4 years had passed, the Meisters once again had to take arms and Setsuna F. Seiei recruited Neil's twin brother, Lyle to become Lockon Stratos.

Beautiful cosplay by Jesuke and Chii-Bye of Deviant Art! I feel badly for Lyle having to struggle to distinguish himself from his brother, but people are people I guess. Thank you for sharing this!

I'm a princess!

In the last few weeks I worked on a further costume: My Elyos cloth set from Aion - Tower of Eternity.

After finishing all of these costumes, which I tried to make them as original and accurate as possible I just searched for some fun. So, I just sat at my sewing machine, looked a lot of different movies on TV or heared some crazy music, and enjoyed the progress of making a costume. I didn't care much about the reference or tried to make it perfect. My only goal was having fun and getting a nice dress at the end. So, here is the progress!

Like all of my costumes, this also started with sewing some quares of fabric together. I'm really bad at this job, and have no idea of fabrics, patterns or techniques, but I always try to do my best and never give up. And as everytime I didn't use any patterns, so I'm really proud of finding the right way for this costume.

Here you see my top in a complicated form. In the middle is the back part and left and right you'll find a bra cup.
This is one of my sleeves and I guess, you can see, how much fun I had by creating this costume, he he!

And this is my head piece. I couldn't find good references for the ingame models so I designed one by myself. But I guess, it fits really well!

And now... it's done!
I love how shiny and glittering it turned out to be at the end and I really had a lof of fun sewing this, dispite of me not being a big fan of sewing. But it was awesome to be really free, also if it's not really similar to the reference. I don't really care about this and I'm looking forward to the next con in two weeks, when I'm able to wear this and for the final photoshooting. And then, I hope to finish my staff I began to build but didn't manage to finish in time.

~Fullmetal Alchemist 鋼の錬金術師