The young (and cute) detective of the 4th Gyakuten Saiban Series, Houzuki Akane, also known as Ema Skye, is a scientific investigator in her own right. Sadly, when she returned to Japan after studying abroad, she became a Detective, and assistant to Prosecutor Klavier Gavin. A lot of people identify Ema’s arrival with the sound of her munching on Karintou/ Sanckoos, a type of Japanese snack consisting of fried dough cakes.
I showed this photo to a friend of mine and she exclaimed, “she doesn’t look real!” I would have to agree on that. This girl must be very cute IRL. It makes me wonder what that Karintou tastes like.
Technorati tags: nanao, research, cosplay, cosplayer, gyakuten saiban, apollo justice, ace attorney, ema, skye, houzuki, akane, scientific investigator, detective, prosecutor, klavier, gavin, garyu, kyouya, karintou, snackoo, japan, fried dough cakes, japanese snack