The female protagonists of the Pokemon series, May is the 10-year-old daughter of Petalburg City Gym Leader, Norman. She has a younger brother named Masato who is a budding Pokemon leader but far too young to receive his own pokemon yet. May starts out as a girl who doesn't like pokemon but found interest in participating in Pokemon Contests. Quite a difference to Kasumi, who dreams of becoming the World's Greatest Water Pokemon Trainer.
Cute pair aren't they? I never got to follow the Pokemon series all the way. I may have stopped after I saw the movie with Mewtwo in it. But anyway, beautiful cosplay!
Technorati tags: cosplay, cosplayer, holic, role, play, roleplay, costume, pokemon, advanced, haruka, kasumi, may, misty, protagonist, series, anime, manga, game, petalburg, city, gym, leader, norman, masato, max, brother, sister, trainer, contest, world, greatest, water, cute, movie, mewtwo, beautiful, コスプレ, コスプレイ, ポケモン, ポケットモンスター, ハルカ, カスミ, マサト, ホウエン地方