Cosplayer Elie Ai as Pran from the Online Game Aika Online

Cosplayer Elie Ai as Pran from the Online Game Aika Online
Cosplayer Elie Ai as Pran from Aika Online

Cosplayer Elie Ai, not only she's a friendly cosplayer but she's also a fellow gamer! She played Aika Online months ago and she really loved the Pet Pran which she missed so much and inspired her to cosplay it. Cosplay plus games is equal to inspiration :)

Cosplayer Elie Ai as Pran in a dramatic jumpshot
Cosplayer Elie Ai as Pran in a dramatic jumpshot

Mirela Lopez Angcao also know as cosplayer Elie Ai was born on July 1, 1991 and currently residing in Sta. Rosa Laguna. Her last cosplay gig was on Bluewave (Cosplay Fever) and she's always with Nikie Ai (her Bestfriend / wife according to her LOL) and John Amuro Rey (her Partner ♥ ♥ ♥). Wow! Wish I can feature them too soon! :P

Cosplayers Elie Ai and Nikie Ai in ferocious and cute claws poses
Filipina Cosplayers Elie Ai and Nikie Ai in ferocious and cute claws poses
Cosplayers Elie Ai and John Amuro Rey partners in cosplay
Cosplayers Elie Ai and John Amuro Rey partners in cosplay

She's also with Inseperables (friends forever), Onibaku Gang (she missed them) and co ed (ssshhhh :)). Continue supporting Cosplayer Elie Ai and follow her updates in her Fan Page "Elie & Nikie i'Dolls".

Cosplayer Elie Ai as Onibaku Gang Member from GTO
Cosplayer Elie Ai as Onibaku Gang Member from GTO
Cosplayer Elie Ai as Shione (11 Eyes)
Cosplayer Elie Ai as Shione (11 Eyes)