Cosplayer Aira as a special guest judge at the upcoming Anime Festival Asia X

Cosplayer Aira will be attending Anime Festival Asia X as special guest judge
Cosplayer Aira will be attending Anime Festival Asia X as special guest judge
There's been a special announcement in AFA X website that one of the world's most popular cosplayer will be going to Anime Festival Asia X 2010 direct from Japan. Catch cosplayer Aira exclusively at AFA X and visit there facebook and official website for more info...

Cosplayer Aira as Yukamo Yukari from the game  Touhou games
Cosplayer Aira as Yukamo Yukari from the game Touhou games
AFA Facebook page said that well-known japanese cosplayer Aira has been invited to come over to Anime Festival Asia X. She would most probably be a special guest judge or something like a cosplay panel. The AFA committee will soon be announcing all the details of the event.

Cosplayer Aira portrayed several cosplay character from games and anime such as Megurine Luka (Vocaloid), Akiyama Mio (K-ON!) and Sheryl Nome (Macross Frontier) to name a few.

Cosplay fans indeed would think of what character she will be cosplaying in the said event. I wish Alodia Gosiengfiao will attend the event too... :)