Morrigan Aensland - Darkstalkers

cosplayer studio: Morrigan Aensland cosplay - Darkstalkers Series
Morrigan from Darkstalkers, Credit: Games Radar

Morrigan Aensland was one of the many favorite video game character from the Darkstalkers series. Capcom indeed made fighting games more interesting by adding sexy fighters. Voiced by Yayoi Jinguji, the character had many fans up to the upcoming Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds in which Morrigan fights Iron Man in the sky on the trailers.

As vain as Morrigan, with large breasts, long, light green hair and a bat-like wings on her back and the sides of her head, this character is definitely a worthwhile to be cosplayed. She's more voluptuous than my favorite character in Final Fantasy VIII Rinoa Heartilly hehe...

Morrigan's power are reshaping her wings into spikes and blades for attacks as well as reshaping it to shield for defense. And if you guys (players who select her) noticed she can also separate her wings and make it into a cloud of bats. Morrigan can use magical attacks as well.